Division 01 : Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
011  Growing of non-perennial crops
 0111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds
   This class includes all forms of growing of cereals, leguminous crops and
oil seeds in open fields, including those considered organic farming and the
growing of genetically modified crops. The growing of these crops is often
combined within agricultural units
   This class excludes:
- growing of maize for fodder, see 0119
  01111Growing of wheat
  01112Growing of jowar, bajra and millets
  01113Growing of other cereals
  01114Growing of pulses (dal) and other leguminous crops such as peas and beans,
not used as oilseeds
  01115Growing of mustard oil seed
  01116Growing of groundnut oil seed
  01117Growing of sunflower oil seed
  01118Growing of soya bean oil seed
  01119Growing of other oil seeds
 0112 Growing of rice
   This class includes the growing of rice, including organic farming and the
growing of genetically modified rice.
  01121Organic farming of basmati rice
  01122Organic farming of non-basmati rice
  01123Inorganic farming of basmati rice
  01124Inorganic farming of non-basmati rice
 0113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
   This class excludes
   - growing of mushroom spawn, see 0130
   -growing of chilies and peppers (capsicum spp.) and other spices and
aromatic crops, see 0128
  01131Growing of asparagus, cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, chicory,spinach and other leafy or stem vegetables
   This class excludes:
   - growing of mushroom spawn, see 0130
   - growing of chilies and peppers (capsicum spp.) and other spices and
aromatic crops, see 0128
  01131Growing of asparagus, cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, chicory,
spinach and other leafy or stem vegetables
  01132Growing of cucumbers, gherkins, aubergines, tomatoes, watermelons,
cantaloupes , melons and other fruit-bearing vegetables
  01133Growing of onion
  01134Growing of carrots, beets,turnips, garlic, leeks and other root, bulb
vegetables(onion excluded)
  01135Growing of potatoes and other tubers such as sweet potatoes, cassava,
  01136Growing of mushrooms and truffles
  01137Growing of vegetable seeds (except beet seed)
  01139Growing of vegetables, n.e.c.
 0114 Growing of sugar cane
   This class excludes:
   - growing of sugar beet, see 0113
  01140Growing of sugar cane
 0115 Growing of tobacco
   This class includes growing of unmanufactured (cured stemmed/stripped)
  01150Growing of tobacco
 0116 Growing of fibre crops
  01161Growing of cotton
  01162Growing of jute
  01169Growing of other fibre crops
 0119 Growing of other non-perennial crop
   This class excludes:
   - growing of non-perennial spice, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops,
see 0128
  01191Growing of rose
  01192Growing of gladiolus
  01193Growing of other flowers, including production of cut flowers, flower buds
and flower seeds
  01199Growing of other non-perennial crops including beet seed and padding 'materials, n.e.c.
012  Growing of perennial crops
 0121 Growing of grapes
   This class includes growing of wine grapes and table grapes in vineyards
   This class excludes:
   - manufacture of wine, see 1102
  01210Growing of grapes
 0122 Growing of tropical and subtropical fruits
  01221Growing of mangoes
  01222Growing of bananas
  01223Growing of pineapples
  01224Growing of lichchis
  01225Growing of guava
  01229Growing of other tropical and sub tropical fruits
 0123 Growing of citrus fruits
  01231Growing of oranges
  01232Growing of mousambi (grape fruit)
  01233Growing of lemons and lime
  01239Growing of other citrus fruits
 0124 Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits
  01241Growing of apples
  01242Growing of appricots, peaches and nectarines
  01243Growing of cherries and sour cherries
  01249Growing of other pome fruits and stone fruits
 0125 Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts
   This class excludes:
   - growing of coconuts, see 0126
  01251Growing of strawberries and other berries
  01252Growing of edible nuts (almonds, cashew nuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts
pistachios, walnuts and other nuts)
  01259Growing of other tree and bush fruits, n.e.c.
 0126 Growing of oleaginous fruits
   This class excludes:
   - growing of soya beans, groundnuts and other oil seeds, see 0111
  01261Growing of coconut
  01262Growing of olives and oil palms
  01269Growing of other oleaginous fruits
 0127 Growing of beverage crops
  01271Growing of tea
  01272Growing of coffee
  01273Growing of cocoa
  01279Growing of other beverage crops
 0128 Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
  01281Growing of ginger
  01282Growing of chili
  01283Growing of cardamoms
  01284Growing of perennial and non-perennial spices and aromatic crops (pepper,
capsicum, nutmeg, mace, anise, badian and fennel, cinnamon (canella),
cloves, vanilla and other spices and aromatic crops)
  01285Growing of drug and narcotic crops
  01286Growing of plants used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for
insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
  01287Growing of heena leaves (mehendi)
 0129 Growing of other perennial crops
   This class excludes:
   - gathering of tree sap or rubber-like gums in the wild, see 0230
  01291Growing of rubber trees
  01292Growing of trees for extraction of sap
  01293Growing of bamboo and cane
  01299Growing of other perennial crops, n.e.c.
013  Plant propagation
 0130 Plant propagation
   This class includes the production of all vegetative planting materials
including cuttings, suckers and seedlings for direct plant propagation or to
create plant grafting stock into which selected scion is grafted for eventual
planting to produce crops.
   This class excludes:
   - operation of forest tree nurseries, see 0210
  01301Growing of plants for planting
014  Animal production
 0141 Raising of cattle and buffaloes
   This class excludes:
   - processing of milk, see 1050
  01411Raising and breeding of cattle and buffaloes
  01412Production of milk from cows or buffaloes
  01413Production of bovine semen
 0142 Raising of horses and other equines
   This class includes raising and breeding of horses, asses, mules or hinnies
   This class excludes:
   - operation of racing and riding stables, see 9319
 01420 Raising of horses and other equines
 0143 Raising and breeding of camels and camelids
   This class includes raising and breeding of camels (dromedary) and camelids
  01430Raising and breeding of camels and camelids
 0144 Raising of sheep and goats
   This class excludes:
   - sheep shearing on a fee or contract basis, see 0162
   - production of pulled wool, see 1010
   - processing of milk, see 1050
  01441 Raising and breeding of sheep and
  01442Production of milk from sheep or goat
  01443Production of raw wool
 0145 Raising of swine/pigs
  01450Raising of swine/pigs (including breeding of swine/pigs)
 0146 Raising of poultry
   This class excludes:
   - production of feathers or down, see 1010
  01461Raising and breeding of chickens and capons, ducks, geese, turkeys and
guinea fowls chickens and capons, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls
  01462Production of eggs
  01463Operation of poultry hatcheries
 0149 Raising of other animals
   This class excludes:
   -production of hides and skins originating from hunting and trapping, see
   - operation of frog farms, crocodile farms, marine worm farms, see 0321,0322
   - operation of fish farms, see 0321, 0322
   - training of pet animals, see 9609
  01491Raising and breeding of pet animals (cats, dogs, birds, hamsters etc.)
  01492Bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax
  01493Raising of silk worms, production of silk worm cocoons
  01499Raising of other animals, n.e.c.
015  Mixed farming
 00150 Mixed farming
   This class includes the combined production of crops and animals without a
specialized production of crops or animals. The size of the overall farming
operation is not a determining factor. If either production of crops or animals
in a given unit exceeds 66 per cent or more of standard gross margins, the
combined activity should not be included here, but allocated to crop or
animal farming.
   This class excludes:
   - mixed crop farming, see groups 011 and 012
   - mixed animal farming, see group 014
  01500Mixed farming
016  Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
 0161 Support activities for crop production
   This class excludes:
   - post-harvest crop activities, see 0163
   - activities of agronomists and agricultural economists, see 7490
   - landscape architecture, see 7110
   - landscape gardening, planting, see 8130
   - maintenance of land to keep it in good ecological condition, see 8130
   - organization of agricultural shows and fairs, see 8230
  01611Agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis (preparation of fields,
establishing a crop, treatment of crops, crop spraying, trimming of fruit trees
and vines, transplanting of rice, thinning of beets, harvesting, pest control in
connection with agriculture etc.)
  01612Operation of agricultural irrigation equipment
  01619Other supporting activities including agricultural gardening (excluding
parks and gardening activities),n.e.c.
 0162 Support activities for animal production
   This class includes agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis such
as activities to promote propagation, growth and output of animals, herd
testing services, droving services, agistment services, poultry caponizing,
coop cleaning etc. activities related to artificial insemination, stud services,
sheep shearing, farm animal boarding and care, activities of farriers
   This class excludes:
   - provision of space for animal boarding only, see 6810
   - veterinary activities, see 7500
   - vaccination of animals, see 7500
   - renting of animals (e.g. herds), see 7730
   - service activities to promote commercial hunting and trapping, see 9499
   - pet boarding, see 9609
  01620Support activities for animal production
 0163 Post-harvest crop activities
   This class excludes
   - preparation of agricultural products by the producer, see corresponding
class in groups 011 or 012
   - stemming and redrying of tobacco, see 1200
   - marketing activities of commission merchants and cooperative associations,
see division 46
   - wholesale of agricultural raw materials, see 4620
  01631Preparation of crops for primary markets, i.e. cleaning, trimming, grading,
  01632Cotton ginning, cleaning and bailing
  01633Preparation of tobacco leaves
  01639Other post harvest crop activities, n.e.c.
 0164 Seed processing for propagation
   This class includes all post-harvest activities aimed at improving the
propagation quality of seed through the removal of non-seed materials,
undersized, mechanically or insect-damaged and immature seeds as well as
removing the seed moisture to a safe level for seed storage. This activity
includes the drying, cleaning, grading and treating of seeds until they are
marketed. The treatment of genetically modified seeds is included here.
   This class excludes
   - growing of seeds, see groups 011 and 012
   - processing of seeds to obtain oil, see 1040
   - research to develop or modify new forms of seeds, see 7210
  01640Seed processing for propagation
017  Hunting, trapping and related service activities
 0170 Hunting, trapping and related service activities
   This class includes taking of animals (dead or alive) for food, fur, skin, or
for use in research, in zoos or as pets, production of fur skins, reptile or bird
skins from hunting or trapping activities
   This class excludes:
   - production of fur skins, reptile or bird skins from ranching operations, see
group 014
   - raising of game animals on ranching operations, see 0149
   - catching of whales, see 0311
   - production of hides and skins originating from slaughterhouses, see 1010
   - hunting for sport or recreation and related service activities, see 9319
   - service activities to promote hunting and trapping, see 9499
  01700Hunting, trapping and related service activities
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